Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Diving into the job market

It's very easy to see the video editing techniques we discussed in class on "The Today Show." A segment regarding summer work came up and showed all three of them. The story was about how many summer jobs usually snatched up by teenagers are now facing more competition from older folks because of the economy.
Continuous motion was used when they showed a boy taking someone's ticket and scanning it so they could enter the park - they went from a wide, full-body shot to a close-up of his hands, following the motion. Throughout the piece they created audio "pops" by bringing the sound up, such as when the boy said "Welcome to Sea World" or when a penguin squawked.

I don't think I would ever want to work at an amusement park, but when I was last in Orlando, I noticed a lot of older folks staffing the rides and ticket booths.

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